This children’s novel is the first the series from some series of Adventure Dinoko and
Dinoki. It is inspired by my two son dolls called Dinoko and Dinoki. They love them a lot and
sometimes have a fantasy to have an adventure with these dolls in their rooms.
The story of this novel is about the friendship. It is really important topic because the
children sometimes are hard to make a friendship today. This novel also gives a message that
human or the people have to keep to make a friendship and love to animal too. It likes the
bonding among Leon, Abim, Dinoko and Dinoki.
In this occasion I will thank to prof. Milena Mileva Blazic from University of Ljubljana
Slovenia because she is as the expert in children literature has given his review to this novel
for children. The gratitude also to my son Leon and Abim who have an amazing fantasy and
adventure with all the dolls mainly Dinoko and Dinoki. Thus, both of them have inspired me
to write this novel for the children.
I am sure if this novel has some weaknesses. Therefore, I need any suggestions from
the all readers to make it better. I do hope you enjoy to read the children novel and all the
responses from the readers are really precious for me.
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