Regarding with the notion of Creative Writing, it is dealing with some ideas to create and express the people’s mind in writing. Such as the prose like novel, the short story, drama, poetry, news article and etc. Today, Creative Writing is not only the part of subject, but it has become one of the department at the university. It is the important and special because the creative writing explores the talent and intuition of the human particularly in writing. The writers like Toni Morison, Orhan Pamuk, Arthur Miller, Anton Chekov and etc. got their popularity by the process both of the process of life and the process of writing. In the past, because of some reasons the female writer used the male’s name to gain their popularity like George Elliot, whose original name is Mary-Anne Evans.
Creative Writing sometimes is close with literature. Because both creative writing and literature are trusted relating with exploring the intuition and they are not merely relying on the academic’s competences. Like Emha Ainun Najib, one of the greatest writer in Indonesia, academically he never graduates from his bachelor, but his intuition to write is amazing, he can produce many great novels and poems. Literature devices like metaphor, simile, plot, climax and ending can give a contribution while the writer wants to make any compositions. Sometimes, the writer in creative writing uses his/her abilities and his/her touching in literature to write news articles therefore his/her articles becoming beautiful and enjoyable for the readers. Furthermore, the chapter I it tells about what is creative writing? It is about some views in creative writing. While, chapter II how to be the writer, it is about some steps becoming a good writer. The next chapter III remarked about writing poem. The readers are invited to learn the poetic’s devices. Chapter IV tells about the prose, it tells about many aspects in prose and how to make it too. While, the forms and the structure of the paragraph is depicted in chapter V. In chapter VI it is about writing drama, and it tells about drama performance too. At last chapter VII is about how to make a news article for the newspaper or magazine, and also the social media. I do hope as the writer this book is really meaningful to uncover the notion of children literature.
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